April 1st til May 20th 2024

? Taking a Musical Intermission: Off on a Eurotrip! ? Hey there Friends, Fans, Clients and Potential Clients! Just dropping a quick note to let you in on some exciting news—I'm about to take a little musical hiatus and dive headfirst into an adventure across Europe! From April 1st to May 20th, 2024, I'll be strumming my Traveler Guitar through the streets of London, hitting the high notes in Amsterdam, drinking old wine in Paris, Eating fresh paella in Barcelona, savoring the melodies in Palermo, and finding harmony in Athens. To all my lovely clients and potential bookers, fear not! While I'll be busy serenading cobblestone streets and sampling exotic cuisines, I'll still be available at Jabe@whyfret.net for any burning questions or potential bookings. Just give me a little time to respond—I'll be on the other side of the pond, after all! To my friends, family, and fans, thank you for your endless support and encouragement. You're the reason I do what I do, and I can't wait to share this next chapter with you when I return. So, here's to music, adventure, and all the good vibes in between! Catch you on the flip side, and until then, stay groovy. Much Love, Jabe
April 1st til May 20th 2024